Out of Hours Contacts
Savera UK’s helpline is 0800 107 0726 and it is available 10am – 4pm on weekdays (excluding bank holidays). Outside of these hours, help is still available.
If you are experiencing or are at risk of ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA), forced marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), virginity testing, breast ironing, or any other harmful traditional practice, you are not alone
If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 999.
No matter how small your risk/threat of ‘honour’-based abuse or other harmful practice, you have the right to ask for help. The police take these crimes very seriously and Savera UK works closely with them to ensure they understand the risks of all culturally specific abuse and consider all measures for your safety.
What if I cannot speak safely?
The police ‘Silent Solution’ system will ensure that the police are aware if you require urgent help but cannot speak. For this to work, the instructions are as follows:
1) Dial 999
2) Listen to the questions
3) Respond by coughing or tapping the headset if you cannot easily speak
4) If prompted – press 55 – and you will be put through to the police
Further Interventions
If you are not in immediate danger, here is a list of other services who can support you:
- Forced Marriage Unit: 020 7008 1500 (out of hours helpline)
- NSPCC FGM Helpline: 0800 028 3550
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24hr)
- Victim Support National: 0808 1689 111 (24hr)
- LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428
- Men’s Advice Line: 0808 801 0327
- Samaritans: 116 123 (24hr)