Last week, Savera UK hosted a seasonal party for clients, which included a visit from a special Lapland resident.
All clients were invited to join the Covid regulation-compliant festivities where there was food, gifts and songs – including a rendition of Jingle Bells performed by some of the children.
Savera UK’s one-to-one Support Team organised hiring a room, decorating, setting up the gifts and getting on the phone to arrange the appearance of a special guest.
Thanks to their efforts Mrs Claus was on hand to give out gifts for both the children and their parents. We would like to thank Bookstart for donating gifts for the children and Brownlow Health Centre along with others for donating so we could buy gifts for our clients.
After checking that everyone was on the nice list, Mrs Claus handed out the gifts to excited children who couldn’t wait to open them.

Savera UK Support Worker Emma, who helped organise the party and arranged the visit from Mrs Claus, said: “Often our clients don’t get the same opportunities as others and we wanted to make sure they experienced a Christmas party like the vast majority of other people.
“Christmas is all about magic and children and the fact that some families are from disadvantaged backgrounds should not mean that their children are denied these experiences.
“In addition, our clients have overcome so much hardship it is lovely to channel the Christmas spirit, especially with the challenges we have all faced during the pandemic.”
All clients were very thankful for the party, and one said: “It was amazing I liked the Mrs Santa idea. I enjoyed the food, drinks and I and the boys loved the gifts given as well. I love the fact that the gift was a surprise.”

Another Savera UK client said: “I and my kids attended the party, we really enjoyed it and had fun, the party venue was attractive and very well organised.
“Got lots and lots of presents and a food parcel, our buggies and prams yesterday were so full. Our kids got entertained and they were really feeling good and enjoyed it.”
One client described the party as “fabulous” and said they had “great fun with friends” and “delicious food”.
Asked about the children’s reaction to Mrs Claus, Emma said: “They were so excited and genuinely believed I was Mrs Claus which highlighted their innocence and the magic of it all.”
Emma said her favourite part was “seeing their little faces light up and how they all waited patiently for a gift”.
She said: “To keep [the children] entertained whilst they were waiting we asked them to explain how they can be sure they were on the ‘good list.’ Some of the things they said were heart-warming and it made all of the efforts so worth it. My favourite thing of one the children asked was if I could pass a message onto the elves to request the LOL gift set.
“Most importantly – it was seeing how much they appreciated it, adults and children alike, and this is reflected in their feedback.”
The Savera UK team and Board, clients, and volunteers, would like to thank every single person who helped and supported us in the last year, we are so appreciative and grateful.
Have a wonderful festive period and a Happy New Year.
Savera UK will be closed from 5pm on Thursday, 23rd December until Tuesday, 4th January. If you need support during this period click here.