Introducing Our First Ever Impact Report

For more than ten years now, Savera UK has been supporting individuals who are at risk or survivors of ‘honour’-based abuse and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage.

The hidden nature of these human rights abuses has meant that our work has always been challenging, but over the past year the global health crisis has exerted even further pressure on survivors and those at risk of harmful practices, and the people who support them.

Since we first set up our 1-to-1 Support Service in 2017, we have seen a significant increase in referrals to the service that prove specific and dedicated services like Savera UK are vital in focusing on culturally specific issues and ensuring that they are not lost within the wider agenda of domestic abuse and domestic violence support.

This year, we have taken the opportunity to reflect on the outcomes of our work and are proud to bring you our first impact report, which highlights our achievements and successes, as well as our future goals. We will produce this report annually going forward, to monitor our progress and share it with you.

Our work is challenging, but above all it is rewarding. Seeing those who seek our support finding independence and reaching their potential, after being helped out of abusive and harmful situations and environments is the reason we dedicate ourselves to our work.

To learn more and find out how you can support us, please download our Impact Report 2020/21 below.

Download Savera UK Impact Report 2020/21